
Development rate

When I meet other moms I get a bit confused about whether my baby is normal. He seems to be able to do some things quite quickly, and really take a long time with others. If my baby had a developmental problem, how would I know?

The truth is that babies develop at very different rates. Although you can gain some idea of average developmental milestones, these are just a very rough yardstick.

I can tell you the true story of a boy who did not walk at all until he was almost two years old, which is very late for walking. He grew up to be an extremely gifted athlete. His mother laughs now and says she wishes she had not wasted so much of her energy worrying about his progress. The problem is that it easy to be that wise in retrospect. Your reality is that you are deep in the situation, and it is difficult to see the wood for the trees.

Make sure that you have a list of questions regarding your developmental concerns for every clinic visit and doctors check up. Try and establish what yoru heart is telling you. It can be difficult to know what your actual instincts are because there is so much peer pressure for babies to meet or exceed the expected deadlines. Nevertheless, if you listen carefully, you do have a small voice inside you.

If you are still really feeling uncomfortable, then ask your clinic nurse or doctor who you should contact. A professional assessment may help you to understand the situation completely.

The fact that you are watching your baby so closely and noticing that he is sometimes quicker and sometimes slower to learn new skills than other babies, shows that you are a concerned and caring mother.

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*Important : The information provided is for information purposes only. No medical diagnosis or prescription can be inferred or is implied. Please consult your doctor for medical advice.

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